All news apps fail in displaying news efficiently. Either they show you an unlimited number of news items - which you don't need, or they don't allow you to quickly jump to your area of interest.
Presenting Swipe News Top 10!
✓ Swipe news items like dating apps
✓ View only top 10 headlines from your area
✓ Custom description of news in under 50 words
✓ HD images related to the news
✓ News is fetched from your favorite news papers and blogs
✓ Aimed at getting news ASAP and quitting the app
所有资讯的应用程序无法在有效地显示消息。他们要么告诉你的新闻条目的数量不受限制 - 你并不需要,或者他们不允许你快速跳转到你感兴趣的领域。